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AJS Car Club Rally 2000 - Australia
Merv & Marg Kroll, two of our Australian members were over in the UK and attended the 1997 event during which he suggested that the Club visited Australia for the Millenium celebrations.
As three AJS cars would just fit into a 12m shipping container, three UK members agreed to accept the challenge. Unfortunately, one of those members passed away leaving the Milne-Taylors and the Hubbards to complete the trip.
Merv is a member of the Brisbane Classic Car Club and organised that the AJS Car Club was invited to attend their annual rally. Rob & Collen Smyth + son + AJS motorcycle came up all the way from Adelaide together with the Stevens - Australia family - Colin & Meridith. Alec Stevens en-route home from the Worldwide AJS motorcycle rally in New Zealand also stopped off and joined the fun.

WOW - what a great two weeks was spent in the Brisbane area with invites to many car related events, a trip out on Merv's twin engined powerboat, B-B-Q,s most evenings especially with Dublin Bay Bugs on the menu. Hubbards car is renown for producing smoke!. For the main car rally attended, the Milne-Taylors arrived wearing WW2 gas masks and Alec dressed up as Lawrence of Arabia with a large scarf around his mouth.
Great memories
Photos from Australia
Click here for photos of AJS trip to Australia
2000 - National Motorcycle Museum, Gayden
Later in 2000, Club members visited the National Motorcycle Museum & Heritage Centre at Gayden.
Pictured from left are - Bernard, Pat, Philip, Heather, Victoria & Alex, Gill, Geoff Stevens, Jim Stevens, Peter, Alec Stevens, Chris and Graham.

1998 - BMI Marston, Wolverhampton
All roads from England headed towards Wolverhampton for the event over the 19 and 20 September 1998 with the promise of five AJS cars collected together for the first time in most members living memory. Peter H and Suzi arrived, with trailered AJS at David and Margaret Lomas' late Friday afternoon where it was parked for us all to go to a wonderful evening of wine tasting. Quite a night.
Brightly!! at nine on Saturday morning we were joined by Chris and Gill Eyre, who's nearly completed trials AJS was parked at David's for inspection. We all set off towards Wolverhampton, Margaret leading and Peter following plus all the travelling supporters. All went well, until, not used to such things as hills, Peter panicked seeing Margaret stop at the bottom of a steep decline at a single width bridge. No way did he think that he could stop in such a short time and of course the offside front brake grabbed, pulled him across the road, up the verge and then with a bit of masterful driving he collected it all together, slowly pulled back across the road and carried on, by which time everyone in the convoy had gone ashen faced.
We arrived at Marston's in Wolverhampton (yes the Radiator company and Sunbeam cycles and motorcycles) where Brian Wattan and his helpers were opening up the doors to the AJS room they have created and to the Marston Heritage Trust. As we parked, Philip Milne Taylor and his two daughters arrived his well known trials AJS. Another member Colin Gregg arrived, but without his AJS, promised for next years event> Alec and Geoff arrived in "Dolly" and Brian Wooton then got out their car from the museum to complete the line up of five AJS's, all two seaters.

Brian then invited the Stevens family, Alec, Geoff and their cousin Jim top officially open the AJS museum which Marston have created
The photo below shows Alec Stevens, centre, Jim on the left and Geoff on the right with Brian Woolston opening the AJS Room

The fun continued will all of us being shown around the workshops, where all the vehicles are restored and then to the Heritage Trust to see all of the wonderfully restored cycles and motorcycles on display. The trust is at present on the Marston company grounds and as such is a private collection. We were therefore very fortunate to be able to see it. They do try and have each vehicle on the road as often as possible.
The photograph shows Alec, Jim and Geoff Stevens alongside Alec's very well used two seater, with Daffodil Run momentum.

Brian and his fellow trustees then invited us all to a slap up buffet lunch. Very much appreciated by all of us.
The day continued with the AJS cars leading the cavalcade to Bridgnorth where most of us took the opportunity of a trip on the Severn Valley Steam Railway before heading off to Stottesdon for afternoon tea at David and Margaret's. John Humphreys, our resident historian on AJS registrations arrived to meet and hand over the results of his latest research.

Off to wash and change and back to the Lomas' for cocktails at 7pm. We were then able to walk to the local hostelry "The Fighting Cocks", Stottesdon for an evening meal. This was possibly the most gratifying part of the weekend to have twelve people make the effort to meet up just for the sake of an old AJS.
So Sunday morning and an early start with everyone travelling to the Black Country Museum to join in their annual meeting for vehicles built in the Black Country. Of course the museum also has an AJS car on display, but it didn't come out to join us on the two cavalcades we did through the old streets.
Some of the TT winning motorcycles from the 1920's/1930's did a few laps. Great to smell Castrol R and hear the open mega's.
Andy Smith and family arrived complete with latest pictures of his two seater restoration, looking good for the Concour's award next year

so all too soon it was time to trailer up and depart for home. A great weekend enjoyed by all who turned up and certainly missed by those who didn't.
Peter H
Photos of the 1998 meeting
Click here to see more photos of the 1998 meeting

1997 - Elton Hall, Peterborough
On 25th and 26th May 1997 the AJS Car Club were at Elton Hall at Peterborough and attended an exhibition at the Showground.

Photos of 1997 Meeting
Click here to see more photos of the 1997 meeting
1996 - "Century of Motoring", NEC
The highlight of the year was the Auto Windscreen "Century of Motoring" Car Show held at the NEC on 4th to 6th May 1996.
The AJS Car Club had a stand where Peter Hubbard's two seater and Peter Bramwell's four seater (all the way from Durham) were located inside on the stand and Alec had his two seater outside as part of the cavalcade.

At least 5 other AJS Car Owners turned up, plus we discovered GK6513 the two seater being restored for the National Motorcycle Museum. Don Grose also bought along a tuner from a 1930's AJS radio which created great interest.
During the show we discovered 2 old original sales brochures of the AJS Car, the 9hp together with original covering letter from the AJS Sales Department and a very rare original colour brochure of the infamous 12 hp car which was apparently on show at the 1932 Motor Show in London.